Sunday, April 13, 2008

Gigi and Boo-Boo

Gigi and Boo-Boo have been here for over a week. Boo-Boo revitalized my compost and put up the birdfeeder (which made me think of all those hungry winter birds I neglected), and Gigi prepped our roses and ironed my shirts and more. Pretty nice, eh?

Robbie arrived late Friday night and spent the weekend. We hunkered down, hit the farmer's market, grilled some chicken last night. Big Bears got a case of Nigerian beer called Tusker, and Robbie and I had some of that while we threw the Nerf around as we stood at the grill.

Ruth and I are wondering who will clean the kitchen and placate Henry when they leave in a couple of days.


meow said...

"I'll Do it!!"
This, dear friends is Max-Min's reply
to your "who will clean the kitchen and placate Henry" question.
"What does placate mean again??"

I wannna see more more more pics
of big sis and baby bro.
Is it Spring there yet??

Unknown said...

What did you have Robbie do?
Those windows aren't gonna paint themselves!
Uncle B