Sunday, April 24, 2011


"Go away! You 'Sconsin Boy-head!"

Dad: "Hakuna Matata!"
Henry: "Fo duh rest of YODAZE!"

Spooked by Indians after watching the first Little House on the Prairie, he now first asks: "Dad are there Indians in Little House on the Fairy?"

Ruth: "Henry we have to go up for a nap in two minutes."
Henry: "Five minutes?"
Ruth: "Three minutes."
Henry: "Four minutes?"

When the light isn't on in his room: "I can't see my eyes!"

"Elsa you're not being a good listener! (pause) Daddy, am I being a good listener?"

Whenever the four of us are together: "We're a FAM-UH-LEE!"

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Super Hero

Elsa is Tightie-Whitie-Man. That's Henry's underpants serving as the mask.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Boo Boo Dance Party

Boo Boo can really shake his booty. Here, Henry is trying to keep up with him.

Boo Boo might be tired. He visited Elsa's kindergarten class to tell them about Tanzania, he read lots of books to the grandpeeps, he fixed the composter, he swam at midtown, he was awoken by the kids every morning at 6:30AM, he drank Oban with Dad, he made sweet potato fries, he went to a Saturday night college party for Africa Bridge, and he walked in the woods and collected sticks with Henry.


Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Buck Tooth

Well, this tooth held on for a couple of days. Elsa especially liked yanking and twisting it in front of me because I would get the heebie-jeebies so bad. I'm still traumatized from all of my adolescent orthodontia.

Tooth fairy picked it up last night.

Elsie I'm saving this photo. If I don't like your prom date in 2022 he is getting a copy...