Friday, July 30, 2010

Tooth Fairy

Elsie lost her first tooth the other day. It hung on for a while, shooting straight out, bleeding... No tears though! She put it in a little box under her pillow and woke up to a dollar bill in its place. We counted her total savings: she's at $5.11.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Swedish Fish Pancakes

The best thing about camping is having to think on your feet and improvise. No syrup? Garnish with Swedish Fish!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Religion 101

The scene: A bathroom. Elsie is on the pottie, Dad is sitting on the sink.

Elsie: Dad, God controls everything in the world from heaven.

Dad: Really?

Elsie: Yeah, from a little room in heaven, he controls everything we do.

Dad: What if I want to take off my shoe and God doesn't want me to?

Elsie: Then you won't take it off.

Dad: (takes off his shoe) I just took it off.

Elsie: Well then, I guess God wanted you to do that.

Dad: What about the bad stuff that goes on in the world, like when people get sick? Does God control that?

Elsie: (pause) Well, then, I guess a button is broken in God's room...

Friday, July 2, 2010

We're Back!

We got a new camera! Niese just struck out three in the first inning! I don't have to go back to work until September 7th! Cronmiller didn't die on Mt. Rainier! (but didn't summit...) Barry and Hazel are here until Tuesday! I found Utica Club beer at Beers of the World! Barry is refurbishing the Composter 9000! My kids love the Mets! (or, well, wear the clothing we put them in...)

Life is good...