Monday, September 29, 2008

Keg Party

Yes. The picture you are looking at is real. I have not photoshopped it. It is a Milwaukee Brewer player drenched in champagne at the end of the season.

You can see, it says "Milwaukee Brewers" on his shirt. And it is Prince Fielder- he currently plays first base for the Brewers. And he has champagne all over him and that means they are in the playoffs.

The last time this happened I was in Hustisford, WI in October 1982, managing my brother's football team. As I carried water out to Dave Olson and the rest of the Wlliams Bay Bulldog offensive line, a murmur went up from the Hustisford faithful. The Brewers had beaten the Angels to go the World Series.

I think I went to five or six games that year with my Dad.

When the Brewers won last night, when J.J Hardy turned that double play, it felt like Robin Yount in that Angels game.

But it's not the baseball game that makes this special. It's that Hustisford game, and the trips to County Stadium with my Dad in the eighties and then Ben in the nineties. It's big Dave Valley waiting for an autograph from the players in 1996. It's spring training with Chris and Ben. It's Don Rowe's walk. It's the rookie photo I have of Robin Yount in the sport loo in my basement. It's the light blue polyester uniform that gets really smelly when I wear it to games. It's my "Magic, Miracles, and True Believers" VHS- the story of the 1987 Milwaukee Brewers.

I love the Mets. But I've only loved them for about ten years. And I'm sure I'll love them more after I take Henry and Elsa to Citi Field in the coming years.

But you know, I spontaneously started singing WTMJ's 80s anthem, "Come See What's Brewin" after Braun hit that homerun yesterday to take the lead. I couldn't help it. I'm a hard-wired Brewers fan.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

B is for Bumpa

Somebody misses her BUMPA! I think it is because BUMPA sent Elsie her first Barbie the other day. Enclosed was a picture of a gradeschool crush of mine-Barbie Frame. That really cracked me up. Nice touch Mom!

And then BUMPA called yesterday and said another package was on its way. What will we do, say, when CHRISTMAS or HER BIRTHDAY roll around?

Monday, September 15, 2008


Here is Little "Heidi" at our local Oktoberfest on Saturday night. Fueled on bratwurst, noodles, and ice cream, she danced splendidly for hours. Until the Fest Meister banned kids from the dance floor. Easy dude!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Hot Dog Cake

I am the master of my own thesis! I completed my masters and was treated to a HOT DOG CAKE made by Ruth and Elsie. Made of poundcake, this 10,000 calorie whopper boasted mustard and ketchup colored frosting, and relish made of green gumdrops. We polished it off in about three days.