Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Potty Training Incentive

Dude that is CHILLY-WILLY!

Diaper change at 18 degrees. Ah, Henry, maybe you should think about using the potty next time!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Mr. Smorgie!

The annual Christmas Eve Smorgasbord was renamed by Henry this year.


We had shrimp cocktail, Ukranian sausage, Swedish meatballs, poblano cole slaw, croque monsieurs (ham and cheese sandwiches), and black cherry jello!


Wednesday, December 15, 2010

You know Dasher and Dancer and Prancer and...Henry

Hen, when you wake up tomorrow there is going to be a lot of snow on the ground.

Mum! Tomahwo, when we waked up dare's going tuh be...a LAUT UFF SNOW UN DA GWOUND!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Happy Birthday Elsa!

Ice cream cake yesterday after everybody went to see Tangled!

Looks like everyone is having an OK time, eh?

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Ich Zeiner Schwann's!

Ah, oh! Ich zeiner mein Schwann's, yah? Yah! Ein und mit deutsch niesel deiner mit ladle Elsie Bean, yah, en und Schwann's en ROCHESTER, NEW YORK! En zuner mein WURST wassen GOOT, yah! Bitte mustard freine SYRACUSE, NEW YORK yah! Vas drinken mit SCOOP too, yah! Zer goot! PROST!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Honey and the Honey's Companion

The first batch arrived on Wednesday morning. A little late, tired from flight delays and an overnight in Chicago, but ready to go nonetheless. The honey's companion was a little tired from flight delays as well, but rallied as usual. Rallied to make an amazing oyster chowder, and followed that up with an oyster-chorizo dressing to accompany the bird. The companion was a jolly young man, and we were all glad in the end that the honey invited him along.

The companion watched football, hung out in the man-cave with Dad, took a trip to the zoo, napped for three minutes on Friday afternoon (literally), listened to Neil, stirred the cranberry sorbet, watched some more football, and along with Dad contributed mightily to Dad's bottle recycling efforts.

Fun was had by all, until the honey's companion had to make the long trip home, leaving us behind with a sweet taste in our mouths.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Crossing Swords

Sir Dad and the Honorable Henry Hawkinson are hereby given the dubious title of:

Sword Crossers of Distinction and Merit

On this Day

Sunday November 14

In the Year of our Lord 2010

After years of apprenticeship as a page in diapers under Sir Dad and the Fair Lady Mum, the Honorable Henry Hawkinson participated in a private ceremony in which he crossed swords with his noble father. He was bestowed the title of Sir Henry, and has promised to Defend The Weak, Respect The Poor, Treat Ladies With Respect, and Not Dribble On The Bathroom Floor.

The Fair Lady Mum has rightfully requested that no Photos Be Posted To The Worldwide Web.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Henry's Pumpkin

Henry designed this pumpkin and I carved it. It has sort of a befuddled, confused look...but it's VEDDY SCEDDY!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Fighter Pilot and Elphaba

This was taken 30 minutes before the rain hit! The rain that turned into freezing snow. Ruth soldiered on while I ducked out on the trick or treating...hey, somebody had to get the potatoes out of the oven and hand out candy to kids!

Henry wore Brad and Brian's fighter pilot jacket, and Elsie went as Elphaba from Wicked. I couldn't get her to sing, though, which was a first. She almost fell asleep on the couch when she got home. A big day.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Big Boy

"I threw those diapers AWAY, Daddy!"

Way to go Hen. He went pee in the potty twice this weekend and was showered with gifts: matchbox cars, jelly beans, new legos, a new puzzle. It was, like, his greatest weekend ever.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Strider Bike 2

H-Man has mastered the Strider Bike. We took it to our local bike shop (which is four blocks away- he biked the whole way) yesterday to show it off. He carried it up the steps and inside, and told the guy he wanted to go "superfast".

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Charles Visit

Charles and Elsa had some QUALITY time last week when he visited. Don's Original for cheeseburgers, House of Guitars for t-shirts, and we power-zooed-! ...saw the whole zoo in 45 minutes before going to see Despicable Me. Elsie had a "small" raspberry slushie that was like 40 ounces. A little hammock time. Some good eats, awesome weekend.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

First Day of School

"I'm nervous and excited all at the same time. It's all sort of tangled up inside.."

Turkey and cheese sandwich, yogurt, banana, twenty pencils, Purell, extra set of clothes, and $7 all adds up to a very heavy backpack.

Day One went well. I asked her if she wanted to go back and she rolled her eyes and said, "Of course Dad!"

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Strider Bike

OK, so Dad dropped a hundred bucks on my new bike after the "guys" at Tryon Bike Shop said I needed a Strider Bike, and he saw multiple youtube videos, and they were on sale at Luvaboos! Luvaboos (hollah!) is our local retail cloth nappie location with other essentials...such as Strider Bikes.

So here I am. Specialized helmet. Lance Armstrong Yellow Strider Bike. Elton John Butterfly Sunglasses.

Let's Ride!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Wisconsin Weekend

Goodbye to Bumpa at Mitchell Field. Not always at the top of our list of "Fun Things To Do in Wisconsin"!

But what was at the top of the list:

1. Ice Cream Everyday (cherry dip for Elsa, chocolate vanilla twist for me)
2. Swimming Everyday at the village beach
3. Fireworks (front row)
4. Shopping at Kohl's for sweet Brewer gear for Dad, dresses for Elsa
5. Brewer games with Mom
6. The Corn and Brat!
7. Sausages from Rig-A-Tony's
8. Late night trip to the emergency room (wait, wrong list...)
9. Quiet time at night to watch Brewers, read Stieg Larsson...ah summer...
10. Pancakes for Else in the morning made by Chef Ron
11. Ass Coffee (oh wait, wrong list again)
12. Spotted Cow!
13. Leinie's!
14. Chat with Dara and Henning
15. Catching up with the Quicks
16. Elsie playing with Henry and Alex
17. Mojitos with Shannon!
18. Looking at pics with Mom
19. Puttering around the house
20. Usinger's pit-stop!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Thompson Beaver

"Natalie likes to listen to...I don't know what his name is...that Beaver guy."

"What Beaver guy?"

"Oh, come on Dad...I don't know...that Beaver guy."

"The Leave it to Beaver guy? Beaver Cleaver?"

"No. I don't know. Oh...Thompson Beaver!"

"Thompson Beaver?"


"You mean Justin Bieber?"

"Yeah. Oh. Yeah, right...Justin Bieber."

Friday, July 30, 2010

Tooth Fairy

Elsie lost her first tooth the other day. It hung on for a while, shooting straight out, bleeding... No tears though! She put it in a little box under her pillow and woke up to a dollar bill in its place. We counted her total savings: she's at $5.11.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Swedish Fish Pancakes

The best thing about camping is having to think on your feet and improvise. No syrup? Garnish with Swedish Fish!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Religion 101

The scene: A bathroom. Elsie is on the pottie, Dad is sitting on the sink.

Elsie: Dad, God controls everything in the world from heaven.

Dad: Really?

Elsie: Yeah, from a little room in heaven, he controls everything we do.

Dad: What if I want to take off my shoe and God doesn't want me to?

Elsie: Then you won't take it off.

Dad: (takes off his shoe) I just took it off.

Elsie: Well then, I guess God wanted you to do that.

Dad: What about the bad stuff that goes on in the world, like when people get sick? Does God control that?

Elsie: (pause) Well, then, I guess a button is broken in God's room...

Friday, July 2, 2010

We're Back!

We got a new camera! Niese just struck out three in the first inning! I don't have to go back to work until September 7th! Cronmiller didn't die on Mt. Rainier! (but didn't summit...) Barry and Hazel are here until Tuesday! I found Utica Club beer at Beers of the World! Barry is refurbishing the Composter 9000! My kids love the Mets! (or, well, wear the clothing we put them in...)

Life is good...

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

You Gotta Have Faith

Elsie told me she believes in five things:

1. Santa Claus
2. The Tooth Fairy
3. The Tooth Mouse
4. God
5. Mother Nature

She added a sixth, "my family" but then took it back when she realized she can "see us" and she can't see the other things. One of her friends at school said Santa's outfit was "just regular clothes" and not a costume at all. She's got the tooth fairy on her mind because she's about to lose one of her lower front teeth. She's into Mother Nature right now- all the bugs in the garden are "part of nature and important". We didn't get into the whole God thing...

What's up with no blog photos?

Camera is broken, hope to get a new one this week...

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Farmall Mountain Bike Challenge

"Dad, did you winned the bike race?"

"Ah, no Elsa, I didn't."

"How did you do?"

"I, ah, well...I quit."


"The bike race. I quit the bike race."


"I didn't want to widow your mother."


"I was supposed to do five laps, and I quit after three because my heart was about to burst out of my chest."


"I was super tired."

"Oh. So you quit?"

"Ah. Right. I quit."

"Oh. Does Pa Ingalls mountain bike?"

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Deck Destruction

Stop by on Saturday, May 29th to watch our deck get destroyed!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Father Figures

So, Elsie is 5 1/2 years old...same age as Laura Ingalls Wilder in Little House in the Big Woods and Scout in To Kill a Mockingbird. Besides the disbelief that goes with her growing older, I think about the FATHERS in those two girls' lives. Jeez. One fights prejudice and one fights bears...literally. We are reading Little House now, and Pa Ingalls is a badass! Hunting fox all day in the dead of winter, prepping food for the long winter, running from panthers, and then making time for playing fiddle at night for his girls, walking eight hours into town to trade pelts for dress material for Ma and the girls. I can't measure up! And don't even get me started on Atticus...

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Coal Tower

If you are ever in Pittsford, NY on a weekend, make sure to stop by the Coal Tower Restaurant and try their potato pancakes. I think it's the fluffiness, or the chives, or something...they are DE-lish.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Happy Birthday Part 2

The party continues! Henry decided to keep wearing his hat, and Elsie went along with him.

Pretty gosh darn cute picture!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Happy Birthday Hen!

Fish Sticks and French Fries, Peeps Cake from Mum

Baseball cards!
Three Matchbox cars!
A Nerf Hoop from Dad!
A Tee Ball set from Uncle Ben!
A lighthouse from Bob and Andrea!
A bus from Bumpa and Judy!

(I especially dig the noisemaker and "It's My B-Day!" badge in this photo...)

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Chocolate Pudding

Elsie doing the work, helping Henry with his dessert...

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Seuss Photos

I can't believe it, but I think I got the POST-SHOW blues! Everything came together this year. Elsie loved it, which made it an even better experience...

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Gertrude, Mayzie, and the Cat

Goodbye Seussical!

Elsie and I have the post-show blues, and we got 'em bad!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Charlotte the Snow-Woman

Dad, look at my head. OK? OK! Now, make Charlotte's head the same size!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


If anyone goes down for our upcoming production of Seussical, Elsie can fill in. She knows every song by heart and is my creative collaborator.

Dad, I think you should make the sky pink, and then purple when the Jungle of Nool starts.

OK Elsie, we'll do that with the cyc.

Dad, I think Mayzie should have a 100 foot long tail.

How would it fit on stage?

Dad? You can do anything! You're the director!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Chef Henri

Allo? Ze specials too-night arr ez fullows, pleez leesahn verry carefulee!

Ah haf mid uh verry nos bif stec forr uu too trah! Eet eez mid uff plastique, end eez a pard uf ze greel set Elza gud frum mah Ooncle Rubbie a while bick! Dare eez corrn and grin beeens on ze side fur yer donning pleazure! Uh-huh!

Fur dezzert Elza haz renderrd a rilly nahs waterr/ veenegar /vaneela flavoreeng concocshun fur u too trah! She hiz pud eet in ladle muffin containerz. Eet eez vary byootiful end delishuus, uh-huh!

Ah hope u anjoy yur tom toonight, herre at Chef Henri's! Playse excuuuse may now, ah musta returrn too mah soo chef Panda, end zee how he ez dooing!

Friday, January 22, 2010

The Frozen Tundra

...of Durand Beach!

Look at this Winter Wonderland. There is so much snow and it is so cold that the beach extends out into Lake Ontario about fifty yards. Arctic explorers!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Riley's Visit

MLK Day weekend with Riley and Ben!

Barbies and Polly-pockets!

Pork shoulder and waffles!

Exciting jaunt to Wegman's!

Dance party to Princess and the Frog!

In bed at 8PM both nights!

So tired!

Thursday, January 14, 2010


Dad's been reading David Chang's new cookbook, so we were very excited about his attempt at ramen. We were hoping for a better result. Henry and I came to the consensus that Dad should have roasted some pork bones and added a little more star anise to the stock, but we ate it anyway. He also used egg noodles which gave the wrong mouth feel- not springy enough, you know?

We were listening the The Muse, Phantom Planet, and Tinted Windows during dinner. Really loud.