Monday, April 27, 2009

A Day in the Life

6AM Henry wakes up
6:10 Henry gets bottle from Mum
6:15 Elsie wakes up
6:20 Elsie and Henry get breakfast from Mum
6:21 Dad still sleeping
7:15 Dad gets up
8:45 Elsie and Henry to KidTown, Mum to the gym
8:50 Dad makes waffles for the week
10:00 Dad packs for picnic
10:30 Everyone returns from gym, placed into bike trailer
10:31 Dad pulls trailer, Mum follows behind as human barrier
10:50 Arrival at Ellison Park for lunch
10:55 Fun Lunch
12:00 Depart for home
12:10 Henry falls asleep in trailer, waking to the occasional bump
12:30 Home!
12:32 Henry naps
12:35 Kiddie pool set up outside
12:40 Elsie helps Dad wash car
1:00 Elsie plays in rain bucket
1:10 Dad turns on Mets game
3:00 Henry wakes up
3:05 Dance Party in dining room
3:20 "Welcome to the Royal Elsa" show in dining room
4:00 Back to playing in standing water rain bucket
5:00 Elsie and Henry eat dinner
6:00 Henry goes to bed, Elsie watches Max and Ruby
6:30 Elsie and Dad read a few chapters of The Magic Tree House
7:00 Elsie goes to bed
7:05 Elsie asks Dad to "jump in when it rocks!"
7:10 Elsie asks for more water
7:15 Elsie asks for her sheets to be straightened
7:30 Risotto and grilled shrimp for Mum and Dad
8:00 an episode of Last Restaurant Standing
9:00 BED

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Wisconsin Easter Egg Hunt

I'm having trouble differentiating between what is for me and what are decorations. No matter! I will eat seven malted milk ball eggs before church.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

To Do List

Wheelbarrow needs fixin'. Gotta put another coat of paint on the garage, reinforce the roof in the back. Get the garden planted. Learn to poop in a toilet. Clear out the blackberry patch. Paint a couple of rooms in the house. Figure out how to say the word "cat". Put some new boards on the deck, put some J-channel where the siding hits the roof on the house. Transition to a Big Boy bed.

It's going to be quite a summer, lot of hard work.